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Launchers & Receivers

Pipeline Equipment Launcher and Receiver Main Photo

Vertical • Horizontal • Sloped • Automated

Pipeline Equipment Launcher and Receiver photo

Pipeline Equipment, Inc. has extensive experience designing and fabricating Pig Launcher and Receiver systems. We offer many configurations including horizontal, vertical, or sloped ranging from a simple launcher and receiver to complete skid mounted units with all valves and associated piping.  Each configuration is designed to meet the customer’s specific application in compliance with applicable codes and material specifications.

Most pipelines must be pigged to either clean the pipeline for flow improvement and corrosion control, batch different products, displace certain products, or inspect the line for integrity assurance.  The primary purpose of a pig launcher and receiver is to allow the launching or receiving of a pipeline pig without interrupting the flow.

Benefits of Well Designed LAUNCHER & RECEIVER Systems

  • Safety features which eliminate accidents
  • Reduced operation and field installation cost
  • Easier launching and receiving process
  • Consistency in launching and receiving procedures and operator qualifications    
  • Assurance that the unit is in compliance with applicable codes and standards

Pipeline Equipment Launcher and Receiver photos

Automated Pigging System information and details
Automated Pig System photo
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Automated Pig System

Holds multiple spherical pigs which can be released locally, on a timed basis, or remotely. Cleaning, Batching, and Inspection Pigs can be launched and received in these same systems.

Pigs information and details
Pigs Photo
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Pigs For All Reasons
PEI offers a complete line of pigs for your pigging applications: Spherical Pig, Multi Seal, Tuff cast, Conical Flex, and BIDI Pigs.